Dynamic Layout « Layout « Java Swing Q&A

1. Dynamic resize of Layout Manager areas    stackoverflow.com

In which Swing layout manager it is possible to change layout areas programmatically? And how to do this with lowest cost? I have to create component with functionality similar to JSplitPane but ...

2. Size miscalculated when dynamically adding JPanels    stackoverflow.com

I am writing an application that is a virtual notebook. The idea is to have panels with various content (which is based on an external file) added to a panel that ...

3. Swing: easiest way to align width of [dynamic][static][dynamic] components?    stackoverflow.com

What is the easiest way in standard Java Swing to align three components in such a way that:

  • the dynamic widths of Component1 and Component3 are adjusted to be equal,
  • while Component2 (which ...

4. custom Swing components that resize dynamically but interoperate with LayoutManagers    stackoverflow.com

I have a subclassed JPanel that acts as a view for some information. When the information changes, the min/max/preferred size of the JPanel may change as well. How do I handle this event ...

5. Unable to Dynamically Change panel    stackoverflow.com

I have 2 panels. The first panel has a combo box. depending on the value of the item in the combobox selected, a panel below it must change. in the action ...

6. how do I build a layout that resizes dynamically in java?    stackoverflow.com

I need to know how to build a java layout that will be dynamically resized. The layout is set up with 4 panels, stacked top to bottom: the top panel is ...

7. A GUI Question: Dynamic Modular Panel Layout?    stackoverflow.com

I am a student working on a college engineering project team. Our software subteam is looking to create a modular GUI that allows for real time reconfiguration through snapping panels that the ...

8. java layout for displaying panels dynamically with scroll bar    stackoverflow.com

In java, I have been trying to create a panel that can accept other panels with a scroll bar. I tried using gridlayout, and this works fine, except for the fact that ...

9. Dynamically Rearranging a Layout.    coderanch.com

10. Inconsistent layout w/dynamic resize of components    java-forums.org

Hi I'm developing a GUI component that should provide a single column of components I'll call MessageViews. Each MessageView consists of a JButton displayed above a JTextPane. I'm seeing what seems like inconsistent behavior in the way this component is laid out under different conditions. Here is the behavior that I want: suppose the component contains two MessageViews, one above the ...

11. Dynamic layout    java-forums.org

Hi, I am working on dynamic layouts: I want to use a layout which requires the container to expand as requested by the elements contained. This is because I have "growing" widgets (I implemented text fields which grow or shrink as the text is added or deleted) and I can also add or remove dinamically widgets. I wonder which is the ...

12. Controlling layout in a dynamic GUI    forums.oracle.com

I have a main panel using BorderLayout with two subpanels, a control panel at the north and a display panel at the center. The control panel contains a set of controls, and this set of controls grows and shrinks dynamically as the user interacts with the application. I have this control panel laid out using FlowLayout. My problem is that when ...